The Industry's Most Innovative
Real Estate Agents Musts Have in Marketing:
The Headley Group Realty
September 2017

Real estate marketing is progressively reigned by illustrations, creation
and commitment. This is true of today’s leading marketing channels — Instagram,
Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc. Today we have an unfiltered ways of material
available online as they start the process of buying, selling or renting a
home. New ways to generate attractive content, showcase proficiency and quantity
return-on-investment are becoming dinner table topics for agent-marketers
Here are the most convenient practices for re-engaging with former
clients and catching the eyes of new prospects from the industry’s most
innovative agents nationwide:
1. Personalize your BRAND. As a businessperson,
nothing is more significant to your business than your standing. Marketing
allows you not only to promote what you are selling, but who you are. Whether
it’s a special area of expertise, participation with organizations, or what
makes you and your business unique. Make sure that every message you send out
into the world communicates this in a consistent way.
2. Changeround social media. Social media
is unique in that it merges professional and personal interests. Buying a home
is a lifestyle purchase and today, there is no better lifestyle marketing tool
than social. In real estate, lifestyle content could be a sensitive client
story behind a recent deal or posts that explore the culture of a particular
3. Focus on engagement. Only a few, can completely
measure what networks are most effective. Rather every agent can tell how much
they spend on marketing down to the penny. At Range, we track all of the
content our agents post and what gets the most engagement, and we use that data
to create better, more successful content. Use tools like Hootsuite or Sprout
Social to track your own engagement and make sure you are spending your money
and time in the right places.
4. Consistency find your strategy and
stick to it. As countless tools emerge, agents have the luxury (and burden) of
being able to experiment with multiple channels and methods. Focus on what you
do best and consider what makes the most sense for your clients.
5. Share moments that matter. One of an
important milestone for one’s business, is to create a natural reason to
reconnect with clients and prospects. Send an announcement email and share what
motivated you to move or something about your new company. Winning time to
broadcast important life milestones is a great way to show you are dedicated to
helping clients achieve theirs.
For Buying or
Selling in Real Estate, to Get Ahead with the Headley Group Realty.
Check out our
Or call us at 336-904-6216.
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